Babis for Sponsoring
Babis was abandoned 😢 He is older and sick so just left by the side of a rubbish bin.. Poor Babis was trying to survive by eating the rubbish until he was brought to our attention.. He was difficult to catch as he is afraid of humans..
Because of Babis age and his health we have decided to put Babis for Sponsoring. We will do all we can for him and he will have plenty of love and a full tummy..
If anyone would like to make a donation towards his care or Sponsor Babis by sending small donation each month we would be very grateful..
For more information about Sponsoring please send us a private message..
Thank you 🐾
Lloyds Bank
Account name : Zante Strays
Sort Code. 30-15-97
Account number 30757968
International Donations
IBAN: GR28 017162500066 25137941 432
We also have a PayPal account